Having missed circuit and boxing for over a year now due to shifts and changing jobs twice I am now back to my old self. How I missed the feeling of exercising every muscle in my body. How I forgeot what it is like to wander around for a week after with every movement agony. Oh yes getting fit is all about will power... I will need a will at this rate.
Traffic lights are great. All it takes is a green light to stop
tons of steel and rubber. So why is it some twats insist on accelerating when a green light goes to amber on a crossing? I have narrowly been missed on two occasions by these bottom dwellers and it isn't the
chavs but the bloody 4 x 4 kiddy droppers that are the worst. Sorry not sexist ( NO I AM NOT!) but on one occassion I was on my motorbike and swerved into the road to avoid a door swinging into traffic only to be confronted with mum ( and I use the term lightly) dodging traffic instead of using the crossing 10 feet away. Great example to the kid who fortunately had the nonce to stay on the pavement. Kids 1 Daft
Fuckwits 0. She then went back got into her
"dizze" and pulled out shooting a red light at the very crossing the daft cow should have used. Laugh! I nearly smiled.