On the road again
Following a brief break I am back on the road again. Came across this lovely old bike ( I won't say where 'cause some git will probably nick it) but lovely isn't it?

I was cycling into work this morning when I saw the blokey in front (on his bike) has a bumbag under the saddle and it was open. I thought I would be the kind chappy I am and let him know before I found myself being bombarded by his sandwiches as the escape to the big wide world.
I checked behind me and went up next to him and shouted the immortal words "OI MATE!" and whilst I did this some twat from heaven came up behind me in a Maroon Saloon (poetry!) and ok I was in the middle of the road but I was clearly bellowing at some bloke on a bike. Did he honk? no did he flash his lights and brake? no
The knob for brains over took me in the middle of the road ( or rather the other side!) on a bed leading up to the Crossroads at Mill Road. His passenger and equally stupid looking woman waved at me as if I was beating up on a granny and as they shot past me all holey than now, through the red lights at the crossroads I wondered if they would get it?
NO I don't think these SUN reading SKY watching LAGER drinking SMOKERS ( yes they definitely looked stupid enough to smoke) would ever get it?
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